Haha! Day 3 of Ket Relocation has seen some milestones.
First, let's talk about Proper Motivation.
Emergency Provisional Ket Treats. Distributor may have eaten one or two while standing on porch. Don't judge. Was my breakfast. |
So, armed with a New Sweetie, we make some strategic adjustments to our food outposts. In addition, we've got a Special Sweetie bowl out back for Momma Ket and a Temptation Bowl at the edge of the frontier.
Erik the Bold is serious about his ket füd. |
Muhahahaha! My nuanced strategery is working. Bowl #3 is Temptation Bowl. I don't know if kets will go for smoked ersters, but it's worth a shot. |
I think this one is called Tiger. |
Ket emerges from safety of porch, regards me dubiously. But partakes of treat pile. I think this is Bigfoot. Please note, I did not name these poor kittehs. |
Wishing to avoid the prior day's facial disfigurement, Sweetie Man opted for a casual shorts and shirt ensemble. Totally appropriate for Field Work. Made it out of there with fewer bites on face: good. Results on rest of body: well. . . .
Yeah, pretty sure I should have gotten a malaria shot before all this. I don't know when I became so delectable to mosquitoes. Maybe they are desperate. |
Erik the Red continues his bravery, voluntarily coming within three feet of me today. He ain't skeered.
Guess who started to run up to me before he thought better of it this morning? |
Tonight will show if the other kets have taken to the relocation process. At this rate, I will have them in the backyard by April 2015. Sweetie Man is going to have to get a little more serious about the Sweeties.
Credit for all Wikus manips used in CatWatch! 2014 to MizHowlinMad over at deviantart. http://mizhowlinmad.deviantart.com/
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