Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Friday, August 1, 2014

CatWatch! 2014: Setbacks and Bribery

At the end of the last shift, we returned to District Feline to find that shenanigans had been afoot.

Vandals! Also, not real impressed with this phone camera.

Sweetie Man was back on the case the next day, but there was trouble down in DF. A Cat Whisperer and I arrived to an empty front yard--no Erik insouciantly sunning himself.

All kets were hiding and except for a few furtive darts, even Erik the Bold was in seclusion. It was an unsettling development. We ultimately concluded that something or someone had been in the yard and scared them.

What does one do in such a situation? Well, if you are Sweetie Man, you have a few tricks up your sleeve. Namely, Canned Ket Füd.

You see, you can only get so far with a ket on normal food. Fortunately for the progression of the Trans Catlantic Migration, Sweetie Man had shown up with these special cat treats on this day.

Can you spot the ket?

One, Two, Two Kets At Vonce! Ahahahaha!

My Cat Whispering companion made a sizable donation of time and funds to our project, and many new lovely ket bowls, ket beds, ket füdz and other supplies were purchased. Which Sweetie Man promptly forget to photograph. But the efforts and support are much appreciated.

Our benefactor also asked why Sweetie Man was running around town speaking with a Pakistani accent. Suspect this is shade thrown on dubious Afrikaans dialect. However, did not stop Sweetie Man from continuing to use accent. All. Damn. Day.

So, a bit of setback for Ket-SweeiteMan relations, but the power of Wet Füd won out in the end.

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