Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

CatWatch! 2014: Sweetie Man To The Rescue

So, yesterday I got a call from a fellow Cat Wrangler who couldn't make it in to town for Ket Füd duties.

Looks like a job for You Know Who!

Credit for all Wikus manips used in CatWatch! 2014 to MizHowlinMad over at deviantart.

So I zoomed down to District Feline and commenced Stage 2 of the Ket Relocation Project.

Ket füd relocation--we are now in the field. Repeat, we have engaged the ket in the field.

Erik doesn't let real estate get in the way of noms.

The untrained eye might not spot the Lurking Kitteh in this picture. Diagrammed for your convenience.

When a ket sticks its face in its crotch in front of you, you can confirm: is definitely Ket.

Momma Ket was hanging around in the backyard, which is the relocation goal. So maybe there is some hope.

Sweetie Man wised up and wore pants this time to protect against the turrible mosquitoes. So Sweetie Man ended up with mosquito bites to the face rather than the legs.

Sweetie Man may have to reconsider some strategies.

Credit for all Wikus manips used in CatWatch! 2014 to MizHowlinMad over at deviantart.

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