Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

CatWatch! 2014: I'll Take The Case!

Uh oh! There are some wild kitties living under my bro's office. We need to find these kitties some homes. But how will we lure befriend them?

Sounds like a job for: Sweetie Man!

As we all know, if there's one thing a Sweetie Man knows about, it's ket füd (cat food). And this Sweetie Man has a plan and a list of goals to accomplish by week's end.


Remember: only you and ket füd can prevent a riot.

1. Get kittehs used to eating around people, shamelessly leverage Pavlovian techniques.
2. Convince kitteh to come within a 4 ft radius of a person.
3. Relocate eating area from under the house to the back porch. The long way. Erg.

Day One:

After careful Sweetie distribution over the weekend, return to location and resume Sweetie dispersal, a la Hansel Und Gretel. A trail of Sweeties to the drop zone--standard food dispersal.

We have a Sweetie fan from the prior day.

Aha! I spot Erik the Red, the most fearless of the kittehs.

 I would like to mention at this point that from my squatting position in the yard, my ass, keys, and phone are swarmed by ants and mosquitoes. Effin Florida--what a swamp.

It seems Erik has spotted me as well. What could happen?

Erik's stomach is braver than his brain. Sweetie Trail successful!

Erik the Red has brothers and sister who poke their heads out, but I think it's pretty obvious who owns the yard. 

Behind Erik is Tiger, also a fan of the Hansel Und Sweetiez method. Alas, I was unable to capture Gizmo on camera.

And so endeth Round One. Next phase, day off for Sweetie Man while the first cat feeding site relocation attempt occurs. I wish my fellow cat whisperers luck.

Credit for all Wikus manips used in CatWatch! 2014 to MizHowlinMad over at deviantart.

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