Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Live Blogging My Spontaneous "A-Team" Marathon

Gad bless Netflix streaming.

  • Oh, look. It's Pilot!Face who didn't get picked up for the season. Poor guy. He's like the Pete Best of the A-Team.
  • BTW, if you like the A-Team, don't do any real research into the actors and their time together. Or maybe even things they've said since then. Just, really, live the dream, man.
  • Oh, is there a horrific Asian stereotype in every production involving George Peppard?
  • Wow. Ol' George really did have movie star eyes. That blue is just. . . wowza.
Banacek, bitches!

  • Based off my knowledge of late 70s to early 80s serial television, I'm going to venture that G.Pepp was a cigar fan. On the company dime.
  • Damn, Mr. T is helluva tough. But he's always got time for the kids!
  • Awww, Murdock. How much fun is a role like this? Mr. T was the coolest, Face was the prettiest, Hannibal was the jazziest, but my fave was always Murdock.
  • You know, when I saw The A Team (2010) movie, I thought that Bradley Cooper was just going way overboard on the Face casting. Bradley Cooper's body, in that film, is stupefying. Thank god they limited his shirtless screen time, because I Do Not Even Have Thinking Brain Explodey How Is That Even Possible With Eating and Muscle Mass Oh Lord I Need To Lie Down. Really.
This is ridiculous.
  •  In addition to this fact is that Bradley Cooper is a disturbingly pretty man. He is far prettier than I have ever managed to be. It's a little unnerving and unnatural.
We are not even going to talk about his Hair Fu. But it is considerable.

  •  All of which is an incredibly long winded way of saying that I Thought He Had A Real Pretty Mouth and it was a bit much. But then I start my A-Team walk down memory lane. And you guys know what? Dirk Benedict was ridiculously good looking. I can't even find pictures to do him justice. It's just silly. So, mea culpa 2010 crew--you were spot on the money.
Newsflash: World Full Of Beautiful Men, Trend Continues

  • "On the jazz"---totally had forgotten that.
  • Those mofos just escaped jail with lawn chairs, trash bags, dozen or so hair dryers, and two long ass extension cords. Seems legit.
TBD....Gotta roll.


  1. oh my...I don't recall that men went so shirtless as they now do. On second thought, I don't think they should have. I'm pretty sure there was such a thing as buff dudes until lately. I love progress.

    1. Viva la equalitie sexual!

      A brave new world, where men and women can be objectified equally!

    2. hi mom!!!!!!!!!

    3. Note how moo zeroes in on the important issues. Non of this piddley acting/entertainment stuff. Let's talk BEEFCAKE.

    4. she on the internet looking at shirtless mens

    5. I know dat's right! That's what the babby Jebus invented the internets for.

  2. sorry, girl, but

    old face > new face

    that bradley cooper has rapey eyes

    same as how

    old mr. t > new mr. t

    and hannibal? please. i like my salt with some peppard

    btw, watch out for long shots of ceiling fans dissolving into helicopter blades. those vietnam flashbacks, man. such a drag.

    1. >that bradley cooper has rapey eyes

      Aww, that's one of the things I actually admire about him. I think they are more serial killer than rapey. Which for some reason makes a difference in my mind. My value system is fucked up.

      >old mr. t > new mr. t

      Okay, there is only one Mr. T, and that's all our universe can handle. But, to be fair, they weren't having the new guy (Rampage?) try to be Mr. T. He was B.A.--definitely de-golded and de-feathered. I give em props for that. He has a cute laugh, too.

      >and hannibal? please. i like my salt with some peppard

      Don't disagree. BUT, it's Liam "Everything I Say Is Completely True" Neeson.


      If Liam Neeson says it, it becomes a Universal Invariant. That's his mutant power. If he says he's Hannibal, he is.

    2. i will accept liam neeson as a substitute

      the thing that made the series great was how nobody ever died, ever. just cheesy fun

    3. For realz. Also, the mechanical makeovers might explain my later fascination with creepy makeup/plastic surgery shows.

    4. i really love those montages when they start building something out of nothing and the music plays

      i used to watch the a-team on francesca's tiny battery-powered tv but i'd get so bummed when they started selling jewelry, which seemed to last all day

  3. also, murdock. i dunno about him. i was down with the other three. murdock frightened me as a child

    1. No way, man! Murdock was Bugs Bunny made flesh? (Who was probably, in turn, Groucho Marx rendered a cartoon.)

      Murdock was easily the most relatable for me as a child.

      Yeah, I just re-read that sentence. I realize that probably doesn't look good. But it is the truth.

    2. pish posh!

      i prefer his turn as lieutenant barclay

      when he was on the holodeck making sweet love to a reasonable facsimile of deanna troy

      talk about creepy

  4. been watchin macgyver

    waiting for the episode with the mannequin head

    which scarred me as child

    1. Waitaminute. If this is who I think it is, wasn't it the Barbie head that effed you up as a kid?

    2. miss piggy head

      barbie head

      mannequin head in macgyver


      talking tina


    3. I don't remember those gloves.

      So, was Teddy Ruxpin some sort of masochistic thrill for you?

    4. i'll try to find it

      teddy ruxpin was my friend

    5. >teddy ruxpin was my friend

      Oh, is that what he told you? Ol' Teddy had lots of interesting things to say once he got a snoot full.

  5. btw, you should start reviewing hitchcock movies. i'll lend you my boxset!


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