Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Your Real Holiday Present

First of all, for anybody who doesn't know, I am fully aware of the Incredible Smoothness and Magical Rainbow Effervescence that is the Power of Kenny Loggins:

Now, in a wonderful bit of universal kismet, two of my favorite things have been combined.

If you have never read the blog Hyperbole and a Half, you are seriously undermining your quality of life.

I happened across this little gem today. Allie is one of those storytellers who makes me laugh out loud, often to the point of tearing up. Among the little gifts in this story are

The wise men, who were heavily intoxicated at that point in the evening, decided to dress themselves like gypsies.
The wise men were in the kitchen making more cocktails while Jesus was being "born" and they missed their cue. My mom ran into the kitchen and yelled "Jesus is here!" to which the wise men responded "Oh! Right! Shit. Hang in there, Jesus! We're coming!!" 

And there are pictures!!

So check out the quick, illustrated tale. I can't recommend the blog highly enough. You can thank me later.

And remember kids:

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