Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Feel Free To Skip This Post

It's like an endless buffet of all you can eat shit.

Yesterday was the call from the unemployment office (following the three confusing form letters over the last 10 days, including the one that says "OHAI, UR INFO IS WRONG LOL KTHXBAI!).

That call necessitated paper wrangling and emailing, but it was at least doing something. I still have a call scheduled for Friday with these pricks (because they can call you, but you can never get them on the phone) and I have to go in for a personal interview next Tuesday.

Yesterday's mail brought a notice from my Cancelled For Five Got Dayum Months auto insurance. They have been trying to charge me on the auto pay form that I cancelled with them before I even cancelled the policy. Now they've turned it over to a collection agency, despite my months of emailing with the Allstate agent who was "taking care of it."

So I called the credit agency to contest the charge and left the house to go fax them some stuff that might or might not make a difference.

Came home to ANOTHER letter from the EDD (unemployment office). Requesting the same goddamn information I have now provided twice, and has once been rejected (see OHAI above). And it has to be to them in. . . four days. Which, if you are familiar with my mail drama, you know that ain't  happening.

So, got to dig up some more info and drive through the total craziness of this town to fax more shit. Think I'll do that tomorrow. Because of homicide and my proclivity towards it.

On the positive side, I got my printer to magically work again. How, you may ask?

Basically exactly like that.

No, really.

After a careful inspection of all moving parts, checking the ribbons, blah blah carefulcakes, I smacked it. Then I picked it up, turned it upside down, and smacked it again.

Flawless victory.

Now excuse me while I go curl into the fetal position and surf tumblr for ocd inducing images wonder why the world is so mean.

1 comment:

  1. The thing that gets me through every day is the faint chance that maybe, just maybe, I'll get to say "the files are IN the computer?"


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