Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

BBC As A Spectator Sport

I'm a moron.

I'm watching a BBC miniseries on line, set in the 19th century. You know you've watched too many when the following occurs:

BBC Proper Lady in a Bonnet to a scurrilous dude: "You are not a gentleman!"

Me yelling at the screen: "Damn, you just got told, bitch!"

I don't know if this is better or worse than how I treat Law & Order like a sporting event, kibitzing the arguing attorneys:

"Objection, relevance?"

"Objection, your Honor. Badgering the witness."

I take a great deal of pride in usually beating Jack McCoy to the punch on those calls.

I now return myself to my regularly scheduled idiocy. (And secret stalking).


What it's like to be in the room when I watch this stuff.

Romantically galloping on horseback to catch his girl?!?!?!

This is the actual pose I was in for half the show. I know because I saw my reflection in the monitor and was agahst. Also, you wouldn't believe how freakin long it took to find an appropriate image online. Thanks, Jeremy Renner.

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