Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Post As You Go, Blather As Ye May

Random things that mean nothing:

  • I fought the iPod and the iPod won. So far. Fucking iTunes.
  • Today's music has included Doris Day, Dean Martin, Maroon 5, Wham!, Massive Attack, and now Brian Eno. This is weird, even for me. 
  • Sometimes, nothing is far better than something. Half of your attention can hurt far more than none of your attention. To be forgotten is one thing, and it is a painful thing, sometimes. But to be ignored, that's worse in this case. If you haven't the time, then don't bother. I can't support myself, ergo I can't carry the both of us. Apply the band-aid analogy here, and just cease rather than prolong the pain. Or in other words, call me back when you have the time and interest. 
  • Got some CULTCHA! this weekend at the LACMA. My favorite moment was the surprise discovery of two pieces by Magritte. I'd like to find out where there's a larger collection of his works, as I think I'd really enjoy viewing this. 
  • Saw someone pour a drink for a friend of mine that made me worry for her liver. It was called a "Culver City Slut." This could very well be my new drink. Except I'm still a little hung up on the vodka gimlets I had the other weekend. Oh, decisions, decisions. 
  • I have watched a bunch of movies lately, and I'm pondering doing capsule reviews. Worth it? Not? Questions? Answers? Who will pay the dancers?
  • BREAKING NEWS: Manolete has been released months prior to it's estimated VOD date of June 2011. Look for it as A Matador's Mistress on Netflix. 
  • The rest of the books arrive soon. It's only taken 4 months to mail this stuff. I think I actually will have to buy some type of shelving at this point. This is at odds with my cash flow situation.
  • Drone!Work is drone-like, but at least I'm helping somebody out. 
  • I regret that I fell out of watching House the last few years. 
  • Someone is grabbing me lunch from a local taco place today. This location was recently closed because a patron drove a car through the side of the building. Apparently, this is qualifies as a health concern in the city. If I die, it was the chicken tamales, y'all. Just saying. 
  • If I can organize myself, I'll put some of the responses to my Whitman query up later. (Ha. Hahahahahahahahaha. Organize. I'm funny.)

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