Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Monday, May 2, 2011

This Morning I Awoke and Thought:

Jesus Christ, it's May already. 

I don't watch the news. I don't even listen to NPR anymore. So it was completely by chance, while checking out an entertainment blog, that I heard about the successful search and destroy of Osama bin Laden.

You'd think the office would be buzzing with such news, but only one person has mentioned it. She commented on its relation to the upcoming presidential elections, and how she felt this affected the GOP.

I've spent the morning trawling through the few news sites I halfway trust, looking for details. I picked the wrong day to leave my headphones at home--I can't listen to any streaming news or the president's speech.

Apparently, there was much rejoicing. Celebrating in the streets. I'm glad I can't hear any of that.

Many times throughout my life, and with increasing frequency as I get older, I feel very separated from the world. Like an automaton that passes through the carefully ignored cogs of society, fulfilling my role in the assembly line of culture. Or like a ghost, becoming more transparent with each passing day. In certain lights, you can see right through me, if you see me at all.

For some reason this news today makes that emotion more keenly felt. It's as if I've been playing a game all this time, but at some point the game changed and everybody else got the memo but me.

Is it true that Islamic faith has a tradition of burial in water? That seems awfully strange for a desert people.


  1. I believe the tradition is that burial must occur within 24 hours. Bin Laden's native country would not accept the body so the decision was made to bury at sea to keep within tradition limit.
    Hugs Hawk

  2. OL--

    Yes, I've heard a couple of variations on traditions. As with most things, it depends on who you ask.

    From a purely political point of view, it was an interesting choice. I think it was carefully considered and expediently done for reasons that have very little to do with religious observance and a lot more to do with information control and political considerations. I can only hypothesize as to all those considerations, and I honestly don't even really want to try.

    On a separate note, thank you for your constant presence. Even though I don't always make it back to reply, I appreciate each and every one of your comments. Not to be maudlin, but some days they feel like little packages of hope, letting me know that I'm not completely alone as I drift through this confusing sea. ;)

    Oh, and here's a shout out I think you will appreciate. It's down in the comments:

  3. Thanks for the "shout" Hawk. Yes, my man can be the creepiest of creeps with a smile that does me in ;-).

  4. Actually, it's the rest of the world that are automatons. You're the real one, Hawk.


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