Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting

There's a certain kind of person who goes out carousing past midnight and then awakens at 4 a.m. Some people call that kind of person cursed.

I call it just another Sunday morning.

At any rate, last night was spent in the lovely company of Gunkle Blip, his Special Lady Friend, and the erstwhile Jones--my current favorite adolescent. Jones is the shit!

After a day spent wallowing around my house, getting jack-all done, I joined my companions for some delicious sushi, replete with sake, natch. The drive over to Hollywood can be a little arduous, and it really does take at least 30 minutes to go 8 miles. But the scenery is usually interesting. And it's good for my cowardly disposition to go out and about. Besides---I always love the drive home. By then it's late and I can open the windows and let my hair whip itself into horrific proportions and blast the music. 

Anyhoo, GP and SLF were in good spirits and ready to throw down. I had to catch GP up on all the doings back east with our family. You know, there really isn't enough time in one visit to do it all justice. After dinner we went to Universal City Walk. For those not familiar with these type of establishments, they are sort of an attempt to have a sanitized Bourbon Street. Bars, eateries, stores, and the occasional lame stab at some "family" entertainment. I went in my first Hard Rock cafe. The upstairs was deserted, and they had some truly memorable items, including the double body Gibson Jimmy Page used, and a signed Johnny Cash guitar. 

We left Universal, and this is where the whole night coalesced into something to write home about. SLF has done some work as a chauffer, and wanted to take us to "the point." 

Now, everybody who's done time in Hollywood has a Sooper Sekrit Spot that is the Best Evah. And I'm always game for any drive up in the Hills and whipping through Mullholand. Last time had been in my pal Blau's SuperSonic Audi of Screaming Death over a year prior, so I was def game. 

Well, as many of might guess, since I was the car, this whole trip rapidly turned into a musical. And though I'm oftentimes (one might say mostly) wrong about things and scientifically proven to be 89% full of bullshit, I stand by the following statement: if he people you are with don't like the song "Rocky Raccoon," there is something seriously wrong with them as human beings. In fact, they may not be human at all. 

Turns out this spot really was something to write home about. I have only a poor quality pic to share, and it's always hard to catch the scope of that kind of panorama, but this was awesome. The angle was really nice, I think we were actually looking more west, than anything else.

I know, I know. Guess you had to be there. But it really was something. The whole city laid out before you, like the buffet table to the cosmos, dotted with stars, waiting to swept in on. Planes from LAX launching in the distance. The cessation of all light that indicate the waterfront. 

Among the other amusements of the night, SLF decided early on that I needed to be fixed up with one of the bajillion people she knew. She locked on to some poor fellow I hope to never meet: a part time model, musician, in his twenties. But he's different because he's "not hung up on beauty and stuff" like other guys. I noted that would make it much easier for the dumpy folks like me to have a shot. She didn't quite catch that one, but Gunkle Blip had a muffled snort over that one.

But seriously, her choice---could it have been more designed to be exactly WRONG? Lookout for people in love, they are dangerous. They want everyone else to be in the muck and mire with them, regardless of your personal thoughts on the matter. 

I also got to speak briefly on the phone with a first cos' I hadn't seen since she was about 8 or so. 

And the drive home. California nights were made to mischief and smell of freedom. When Harry Connick's "When or When" came on, followed by Clapton's "Promises," I suddenly felt a great longing for my friend Sveltlana. And the old familiar tug to just get in the car and keep driving. 

Despite my early morning awakening, I've gotten nothing done this day. Don't think that's going to change in the next few hours. Oh well. Hope everybody's having an okay, if not excellent Sunday.


  1. Beautiful view. Sounds like an awesome night.
    XOXO, Albeson

  2. The band She Wants Revenge has a new record coming out in a few weeks, the cover looks just like that pic.

    Here in Salinas when it's fall or early Spring, it gets warm during the day and the nights are just a little cool. It's just what I think of when I think of California.

    In reference to your post about bin Laden, I feel more afraid in this world without the Boodeyman that's supposed to get us than I was when there was a Boogeyman. I don't trust the way the wind blows, there's suspicion in the breeze.


Say WUT?