Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Occupational Hazard

Of traveling? Of jet set lifestyle?

Nopers. Just the oc or OCD of being me. I never sleep. Yesterday I flukes it and awoke early but managed to pass back out.

With the melodious porcine squeals of s two year old in the background, punctuated by sobs and arguments from a four year old, I doubt today will follow suit.

I wish I was more techno savvy, so I could post a pic of the view I have right now. Spent last night with family of my friend, Pandaman. Calliwicious and I hung out, drank Dom Perignon and really good Jamesons, and I quit behind my evil ways of partying around 3 am. A pretty mild night, though those that know me will be glad to know that even as a guest in another's home, I still played music Nazi. I just had to buy my time and wait for the right moment to strike. . .

I don't know what your hopes are for the new year. I'm not sure what my plans are myself. But I can say to anybody reading this, that if your dreams are pure of spirit and free of malice, I wish you unlimited success and rapidity in their realizations.

And I wish everyone a life lived a little slower, a little sweeter, and just a tiny bit quieter.

Mad props to our hosts for donating their lovely home for this event. Heated marble floors, yo. I shit you not. I think I'm going to go offer my services to the unlucky designated parent this am.

The view from this back room is 12 shades of green, with a powder blue mist creeping over the hills to kiss the edges of this slice of the universe. Light is coming from nowhere and everywhere, but it's not bright out. The sky threatens the white of snow, but the temperature has kindly declined.

Happy New Year. Especially to moo. No one deserves it more than you.

1 comment:

  1. and Happy New year to you my poet and writer child...
    No one deserves more than all of us. Happy, Happy New Year Beautiful woman...

    When all of you were were never screaming two year olds or worrisome four year olds. Many Blessings have been visited upon this moo by her children...and well she knows

    Will those people with heated marble floors adopt us?


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