Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Climatologist Says, "We're F****D," Time To Worry?

So, I find this disturbing. It's weird that there's so much debate about whether climate change is real or not. When I was growing up, the Greenhouse Effect and our responsibility to pollute less was a given. It wasn't up for discussion as to "if," people were just negotiating "when."

Is greed so powerful that it can trump everything, even self preservation? I don't have kids, I don't have a legacy, and I worry about this planet. How do these CEO fucks sleep at night? How do the legislators? How can I worry more when I have no vested interest in any of this?

It would be one thing if we were just destroying ourselves. But we are taking the whole interconnected ecosystem with us.

This is so depressing. I need some ice cream.


  1. They have a plan. Elysium.


    1. Yeah, that plan is pretty much in effect already. Just waiting for them to build their bio-dome in the sky.

      There is one thing I would be very happy to have from Elysium. Maybe we could work this out to some advantage.


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