Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quick shout out

Blogger is cool and all, but I really dislike the commenting feature, as there is no real tracking/notification system. So people have to check back to see if I've responded to their comments---can make a discussion difficult.

So I just wanted to take a second and thank Orchid Lover, Omey-pie, hcbizzy, bubblebabbles, and shik for their comments on blatherblahg. It always gladdens me black, shriveled little heart to read a comment, and know that I'm not just pissing into the wind.

Thanks for taking the time to drop a line. I really do appreciate it. And maybe one day I'll do as I've threatened for a while, and transform this sucker into something more interactive. But don't hold your breath on that one.


  1. It's an interesting place, Hawk. Stimulating, funny, provocative, goofy, baffling...

    I for one am hooked. Glad you like hearing from your followers occasionally.

    --champagne rules/ bubblebabble


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