Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My Dream Life Is A Senseless As My Real Life, But At Least It's More Interesting

What a strange dream.

At some sort of interactive experience at an entertainment/theatre/something group in a building in the boonies. My old boss turns shows up. Turns out they need someone to hand carry a package to New York. (For the purposes of this dream, New York is in another country).

We converse and he decides to hire me for the job. Me and Lin (but not Lin, really) jump in car and drive to get supplies. But there's a twist! I don't have a passport. My old boss falls into this really weird frame of mind where he's trying to decide if he wants to push for my passport, if it's the right thing to do, blah blah talking to lady at airport stuff.

I'm all "Whatevs, you decide. Meanwhile I'll drop your wife off at her car and pick up those supplies." For some reason, the supplies were located at the old 23rd St. shopping plaza with the Wal-Mart. Apparently this was a nightmare.

As boss struggles with the issue of sending me, and makes phone calls to important senators to push my passport through, me and Not!Lin spend AGES driving into town.

I return, with car, to airport/theatre/whatever and my boss has decided I should go. We are waiting for paperwork to go through and he decides we should go grab something to eat. We end  up in a shitty chain restaurant, sitting in the shitty seats in the back. He is acting kinda weird. As usual, I'm just along for the ride. There is the vague feeling that I'm not quite grasping all the intricacies and import of the situation.

Then I wake up.

When I have dreams like this, I'm pretty sure they are either total nonsense or else so painfully obvious in their symbolism that it's embarrassing. Either way, I'll be damned if I know what the whole thing is about.

And I slept CRAZY late this morning. What a weird way to start the day. What a strange feeling.

Conclusion: Obviously I need to get a passport.

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