Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Inspired by

I'm actually relived that it's the end of the world, because my unemployment just ran out. Now I don't have to get a job. Thanks Mayans! #EndOfTheWorldConfessions 

Mom and Dad--I lied. It wasn't drug experimentation. It was a clinical dedicated case study with laboratories, government grants, and lots and lots of field tests. #EndOfTheWorldConfessions

Exes--you were right. "I'm fine" was actually code for "I want to rip your spine out with your skull still attached and flail your helpless body with it."#EndOfTheWorldConfessions

I love Journey. Un-ironically. #EndOfTheWorldConfessions

The jokes about stalking hot mens? Not jokes. Don't tell my parole officer. #EndOfTheWorldConfessions

While you weren't looking, I licked the rim of your drink. This actually applies to everyone, ever. #EndOfTheWorldConfessions

I would have probably slept with you if you'd managed to keep your mouth shut. Yakkity yak yak. . . Lord, I hate a yakking man. #EndOfTheWorldConfessions

I'm the person at the party who clogged your toilet. Then drove away. #EndOfTheWorldConfessions

I didn't forget your birthday/anniversary/event. I was just too lazy to drive to the store and buy you a card. #EndOfTheWorldConfessions

I have Kanye West and Lady Gaga songs on my iPod in heavy rotation. #EndOfTheWorldConfessions

It wasn't really cancer. I just said that to make everybody feel guilty and be nice to me. It didn't work out nearly as well as planned. #EndOfTheWorldConfessions

1 comment:

  1. I KNEW it!!!! All of it because wise parents know all!!! Can these terrible things really have been done by my precious baby girl???
    That is not true...I have been swimming upstream my entire life - and regard myself as a fairly dense person. Today, I realized the water was not ocean deep. Hmmm..May be too late!

    Thank you for these profound confessions...


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