Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Anything Good In Me Comes From My Parents

Out running errands with my Moo and this happened:

She left one building to walk to her bank, thinking I still had to conclude some business. Turns out I didn't, so I followed soon after, perhaps twenty yards behind.

At the bank door was an older black gentleman. I mention his ethnicity because we are in The South and it retains a certain flavor (bitter) in these matters.

This gentleman was on one of those medical scooters, which wouldn't fit through the door. He was having a terrible time of trying to stand up, brace his fumbling legs, open the door and walk.

I heard my Moo's voice like a crisp bell across the parking lot, "I can help you."

Then she maneuvered the gentleman up. He could barely hold steady, much less take a step. She drew her arm around his waist and he mimicked the action. And so they walked through the bank doors and all the way to the teller, arm in arm like small children at play.

She never saw me. I elected to stay outside. Somebody had to guard his scooter. And something seemed to have gotten in my eye.

That's why my Moo is besta, ya?

And that's how I spent my Christmas vacation.


  1. Best. Moo. Ever. Love to you, your Moo, and all the family this holiday season.


    1. Thank you, Albeson. Same to you and yours, forever and always. Much love.


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