Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Trudging Through Bitterness, Insomnia, Grudging Appreciation, and Personal Ridiculousness

At least here at BlatherBlahg, we are quite amuse by our own personal ridiculousness. Irritated and exasperated, but amused. We know we are foolish and silly. We have the receipts and the playlists to prove it.

Speaking of BlatherBlahg and its COMPLETELY FICTIONAL denizens, the accomodations here are nice, but some features continue to vex. Among those being the inability to post music tracks and unsatisfying comment features. One of these days somebody on the staff here will make good to do some serious research on alternate blog platforms (further research, I should say.).(.).

Somebody finally tired of my incessant whining and wallowing and suffering (I was being rather obvious about it) and extended an Official No Shit Offer Of Support. And you know, it's the same person who it always comes down to, pretty much.

It's a little tricky, that. I don't want to have just one person to count on, especially THAT person, because it's just a set up. But at the same time, in several ways you couldn't ask for a better person to be Your Designated Person. She'll always be on my side. She'll always take my part. You can't say that about everybody. Hell, you can't say that about most people.

And you know, I'm on the phone talking to her, trying not to tell her that everything is just shit on a stick because we both know there's nothing to be done for it, and I don't want her to have to hear this song from one more damn person. I want to call her up and tell her everything is great and some idiot is going to pay me a ton of money because I magically manifested some worthwhile skill (hahahahaha) and now she never has to worry again because I'm going to buy her a purple mansion.

But instead I'm whining because I'm a whiny asshole and nobody else wants to listen to me whine. She feels bad because she's got no advice. But the truth is that after weeks in hell it just took somebody to love me enough to listen to me be sad and mad, to be near me and hold still for just a bit while I'm particularly ugly and yucky and even grosser than usual.

Meanwhile, my pal Will dropped me a note in the mail. Ostensibly a note of thanks, but more like a freeform meditation on whatever insanity was in his brain at the moment. And since Will is 10 and sort of spastic and constitutionally incapable of a certain kind of artifice, it's brutally honest yet whimsically delusional (if I could get Will to focus, he would be on the BlatherBlahg staff in two shakes).

In this missive Will anointed us as the Prince and Queen of Chocolate Cocoa Land and declared that we would always fight in the shade. Just in passing, on his way to tell me he saw a hippo dressed as a pig.

Then my friend from above does come up with a solution. She writes to tell me that I can always come and hang out with her for a while, chill out. I don't know if she realized what she was saying.

Which is my long winded way of saying this: though I may have fucked my life up flatter than hammered shit, with affection thin on the ground and no scent of love in the wind, this past week my friend made me Queen of his Choco Kingdom and my mom told me I could always come home again.


Every watched Crimes & Misdemeanors? Swish with mind bleach and enjoy some of Allen's earlier works. C&M is a very dark comedy, bordering on acidic. I'm always a little nervous returning to Allen films since embarrassment comedy can squick me out, but then his dry delivery is really quite impeccable.

If you only know Woody Allen schtick from seeing other people do Woody Allen impressions, do yourself a favor and catch a few of his flicks. In addition to his great comedic delivery and timing (I don't know much about him, but it's obvious to me he's a Marx Bros fan), he's obviously in love with film itself. C&M has films within films, without being confusing or obnoxious about it.

Through the power of insomnia managed to watch most of Horrible Bosses tonight/this morning. Man, does all of Hollywood marketing and research just suck donkey ass or what? I mean, do they just go for the LOWEST possible IQ/cultural threshold and make the pitch based on that? They undercut so many movies this way.

Sudeikis, Bateman, and Day were all delightful, as expected. Surprisingly, all the stunt casting worked out as well. The three dudes in concert carried the movie, and I think I might have to start watching It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, because every time I see Charlie Day he makes me laugh. A lot.

Daylight. Back to other other other project I was supposed to actually be getting some stuff done on. Whoops.


  1. This blahg was very sweet :) I kept expecting you to yank the football away right before I kicked...but you never did. In my mind right now you're a CareBear riding a unicorn.

  2. I watched a few eps of It's Always Sunny, and I didn't think it was bad, but i didn't think it was great either. The bit with "kitten mittens" cracked me up.

    I dunno, maybe it's my headspace, but I'm a little worn out on things about people being horrible to each other when they're supposed to be friends. I mean, it's only something you can do 10,000 times before it's beaten to death. If I'm going to sit down and watch an ensemble cast about a bunch of friends that are bonkers, I'll either watch Coupling on BBC America or close my eyes and think of some of the good times from Der Fatherland.

    When it comes to Woody Allen, you can't go wrong with Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex, but Were Afraid to Ask. Kills me every time. That and the one when he's trapped in the future.

    Ain't nothin wrong with going to see your mom for a while. Get some home cooking, she might make you some milk and cookies, give you a kiss on teh fronthaidz. Things like that. Might do you a world of good.


Say WUT?