Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Physical And Mental Feelings: A Post About "Healthcare" Treatment

So, regular visit to doctor to stick needles in stomach, talk about medicine doses, blah blah theusualcakes.

I bring up, for the second time, that I am still having severe pain. I ask "Will this ever go away?"

He says, "Well, when you reach menopause."

From there he went on to reiterate that I didn't need any of my old pain meds because they just "trick my brain." I just need to quintuple my dose of the pills that make me moronic and take megadoses of the $300/bottle ibuprofen. Because that's been sooooo very helpful so far.

I got home, Handy J asked me how my appt went. It wasn't until then that I realized what that asshole said.

He says, "Well, when you reach menopause."
Suddenly, I feel:


Bitch slappity

Chair smashity

And it's really sad. Because that just makes me a Mad Panda.

It would seem I have no recourse. The pills that work are the ones he doesn't want me on (why?) and I don't have the money to bounce around looking for further answers. I don't think he's inept, I just think he's wrong.

Now excuse me while I go ingest tons of meds that make me stupider and hurt my liver but just don't quite seem to ease the pain.

Sleep well while you can, white men. Your cracker-ass days are numbered.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting for menopause (sounds like a good title for a play) seems like a severe solution. However, and trust me on this, advancing age has many drawbacks, but menopause ain't one of 'em.
    --champagne rules


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