Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

In The Midst of Overwhelming Self Indulgent WhinyPant-ness

I get a call from my brother. There are certain people I always pick up the phone for, no matter the time, place, my mental state, etc.

I'm not saying it's always the best decision to take these calls, I'm just saying I take them.

I answer the phone and receive this opening gambit:

"Okay, so my life still sucks worse than yours. Listen to this:"

What followed was a typical scenario of the type that befalls my family. No greater or smaller evil than most people experience (I think). The conversation diverged when I asked him about a zombie show and he had this to say about the possibility of a zombie apocalypse: "We have tanks. I don't care how undead you are when I've pulverized you."

This totally wins for phone call of the week.

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