Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

2011 Christmakwanzaakah Wrap Up

Firstly, let us give thanks for Richard Dawkins and the elegant definition of the unit of cultural exchange known as the meme. I wonder what validated scientifical type connections have been made between memes and the theory of human trance states--that is, the cyclical thought patterns we organize and run in our heads non stop, from reading to driving to. . . whatever.

I bring up the meme, as it seems my life is most easily demarcated by whatever meme is floating about in my head, song is stuck in my head, and piece of fiction I'm filtering through my head at that particular time. Trips seem most susceptible to this sort of categorization, perhaps by their very encapsulated nature.

Courtesy of my cousin Stu, here's the meme that wouldn't die during my two week stay with friends and family. It's not outrageously funny, and yet it creeps into your mind and speech and can't be got out for all the world.

Yeah. I can't really explain it, either. But I love seahorses. I love them.

It was by far one of the best holiday seasons I've had in some time. I got to spend time with friends and family, avoided most major disasters, and managed to relax a bit (probably in no small part due to recent upsurge in meds--my doctors feel I need some extra strength nerve pills, hurney.)

During a family event my little bro brought up the Mike Tyson Zoloft song, a surprising hit with him that I had referenced earlier that year here in BB. Well, we played it for the family and by the time my uncle came back in from the woodshed he got treated to an a capella  spontaneous rendition of the chorus by all the kids. He was suitably impressed. I'm telling ya, it's one damn catchy song.

There were no gift exchanges this year, but I really liked how it all went down. We decorated cookies, had crackers, ate way too much food, and everybody kinda did their own thing without it being the end of the world. Or at least, I wasn't trying to organize everything, so if it was the end of the world, I was at least blissfully unaware of it.

Christmas Crackers. The only kinda Cracker ass Cracker I'll tolerate.

At the tender age of 45, Uncle Tim gets to decorate cookies for the first time.

Some other family member's talents lie in other cookie directions.

The real meaning of holiday joy.
In what is rapidly becoming an almost glamourously complex bi-coastal relationships, I got to visit with Tink and Pandaman at their new abode. Silliness occurred, but at a lower rate than usual. I think everybody was feeling the holiday wear and tear. However, we definitely employed Tink's craft corner. And ice cubes. And liquor.

Remember kids: Don't drink and craft. 
Gee, too bad there weren't enough beverages to spread between the three of us.

In a wonderful, surprising, and awesome turn of events, all my siblings, my uncle, and my cousin showed up to a party my friends were throwing. You coulda knocked me over with a feather. It wasn't even my party, but I felt like the princess of the ball. I also made cheeseballs. And got to see the lovely HRad and Hotsauce, who overcame a day of considerable medical obstacles to have that soiree.

I pre-debauched for New Years (oy vey) and got to spend a mellow, fun, silly evening with friends at a pretty, pretty dress up party. Two siblings showed up, a dear old friend, a long lost high school bud, and some folks I wouldn't have otherwise gotten to see. Amazing!

In between some other things happened:
  • Terrorized brother with endless viewings of Robin Hood BBC on Netflix streaming. I'm sure he wishes I hadn't come home that night and helped him figure out how to set it up. Heh. Heh. Hehhhhhh.
  • Hung out with mah moo, but not enough. :/
  • Gave my dad a harrison ford makeover hairdo. There are not polite words in the English language to describe his reaction.
  • Had an amazing afternoon with Champagne Bubbles, Beck, Hennessy, and Leetle Seester. It was positively decadent, on a Fitzgerald Gatsbyian level. So much fun.
  • Fell asleep twice on couches and was put to bed like a small child.
  • Went on incredibly beautiful bike ride with Mistah Shik!
  • Finally told Tonis (Dean of the College of Rock n Roll Knowledge) that he posseses that rare male trait of beauty: really good legs. There may have been some rum involved in this discussion.
  • PEE ESS, when Mike Rotch offers you Kraken rum, dive for the nearest exit.
  • Watched an awesome movie from the old Kung Fu Theatre days, The Five Deadly Venoms. Was surprised how much of it I remembered. Though I certainly didn't recall one of the deadly fighting styles being The Toad.
  • MST3K. Revisiting Space Mutiny. Oh, so awful. And then one called...oh fuck. I don't even know. Something about Killer Spiders from Outerspace. They land in Wisconsin, and honestly, they could only  have done good by wiping out the truly grotesque white trash billies living there. Gag.
  • Got to see more of Bijoux in a strange way, as we were sort of room mates for this period. I would go upstairs and harass her in the mornings before I took off. 
And though many may never read this, I must most humbly extend my heartfelt thanks to the people who helped make this trip possible, from donating for the plane ticket to giving my sorry ass a place to sleep to picking up the check at the restaurants. I'm sure there's more. Oh wait, here it. When you loan me your room, I will use my MacGuyver like skills to help with accomodations. Including missing pillowcases. Cuz I'm crafty. I'm just my style.

No, those aren't my boxer shorts. But they looked like they were in the mostly clean pile.

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