Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Throat Disfigurement Waning!

I can swallow without severe pain! My throat is no longer a grotesque, swollen, mishaped Lovecraftian nightmare!

I believe this morning is the first time in three days that I'm actually able to completely swallow, as in the throat muscles are not impeding by softball sized tonsils.

TMI? I don't care!

Pain is so relative. My throat still hurts, but the fact that it works and that it only hurts when I do something (as opposed to just radiating pain) makes all the difference.

Now I'm excited. Maybe I'll sleep past 4 am tonight.

Is this miracle the benefit of modern science? Or the result of watching all my back episodes of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson? You make the call.

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