Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Another Day, Another Airport

Waiting to fly back West. Waiting for the emotions to spiral out of control. Waiting for the pain.

It was a good visit and I'm very glad I came. It's hard to understand a world that won't have my uncle in it. Doesn't seem like the kind of place I want to be.

How do you tell someone you've loved your whole life exactly how you feel? You can't--it's too much and they probably don't want to hear it because there's a great deal of grief tied into it all. You can't because none of us are ever brave enough to say it. You can't because words seem to lose their meaning and relevancy.

Though I can't fix the mortality problem, I wish I had been smarter and done something with life that would allow me to help the people I love.

A good trip for a rotten reason. So tired of seeing my loved ones in pain. Tired of these thoughts in my head.

It was a good visit. There is that.

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