Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Hits Just Keep On Coming

I received a letter today that informed me I have been denied coverage under Medi-Cal.

Which is interesting, since they already issued me a card, signed me up for services, and even re-registered me in an hour long phone conference.

It's funny because the whole reason I applied for Medi-Cal is because I am not allowed to apply for any of other programs.

I am termed a "medically indigent adult" and I my application has been denied.

The claim that I submitted in January and which has languished in some sort of bureaucratic purgatory for the last 9 months. Many pointless phone calls. Many dead ends.

It's almost not surprising. It certainly is inconvenient. Well, harmful, really, I suppose.

But then again, the healthcare industry has never really done me any favors. It's like my longest term relationship and it is wholly abusive. 

I suspect that somewhere deep, deep down inside I am furious. But I don't feel it. I just feel tired and depressingly unsurprised. Just another day.

same sad story that's a fact
one step up and two steps back


  1. I am FURIOUS! Right now and not deep down. This is absurd...

    1. Don't be mad, moo. It was never really much of a solution anyways. I'm sure I would have encountered massive frustration and incompetence in the system. We can't really expect healthcare designed for the financially deficient to ever be any real help. It's a rich man's world, through and through.


Say WUT?