Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Now Continued

I would really like to stay at a hotel tonight, but its Season here and the rates end up around $100/night.

There was a brief period in my life where I wouldn't have blinked at that expense, especially if it meant relief and/or homicide prevention.

But these days....these days.


So, apparently there's a Male Rights Movement. I've only read some comments in this direction, so I can't be sure, but I think I can say with great prejudice that these all sound like whiny white dudes.

Here are some of the pressing issues making headlines:

Library Receives Request To Exclude Suess' "Hop On Pop"

Why? Well, let's allow the petitioner's to speak for themselves.

A patron requested that the children's classic be banned, saying it "encourages children to use violence against their fathers."

The complainant asked that the library remove the book and issue an apology to fathers in the greater Toronto area. . .

Well, this calls for a complete reevaluation.

-Green Eggs and Ham. Obviously pro-rapist and male privilege enforcing. Because "No" doesn't really mean "No." It means "Just badger me a thousand times and I'll finally give in."

-The Cat In The Hat. Stranger Danger! Also the fish obviously represents Jesus and stands in for our absent moral compasses. It's both Christian propaganda (fish is right, after all) and anti-Christian belittlement. In this case, Cat could be Satan, Women, Womyn, Muslims, and anybody who thinks differently than you, i.e. the wrong way.

-One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Racist. Encourages capitalistic reward myths and materialism.

-Horton Hears A Who. Obvious political pandering to liberal bleeding hearts. Horton, the majestic and self sufficient elephant, has his whole life derailed by the needs of a (literally) microscopic minority group. Just like all the Republicans have been supporting the deadbeat poor and disadvantaged groups who get welfare and live like kings. That's not opinion, that's science.

-The Lorax. Self evident tree hugging hippie crap. Stilfes industry. Prevents job growth. Greenpeace eco-terrorism.

-The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Perverse celebration of the toppling of Nietzschean ideals. A stoic and self sufficient realist has his hard won property and rights impinged upon by his careless neighbors. With no legal recourse, he takes matters into his own hands. Instead of being successful, we see our hero metaphorically emasculated and brainwashed into the hive mind. Instead of the affronted party, he ends up working for and with his inconsiderate neighbors. Thus, bleeding heart fairy tale entitlement wins another battle and a productive member of society is subverted.

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