Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Well, I Finally Did It

For the purposes of this story, please keep in mind I kept a pleasant tone of voice and facial expression the whole time.

Ordering drinks at a mostly empty bar. Large older gentleman slides his pretzel mix bowl in front of me. I say "Thank you sir." He tells me not to call him sir, he had enough of that in the military. Mild chit chat as I wait FOREVER to get my drinks.

Then he let's loose with "I hate to use the n-word, but. . . "

I chime in with a bright "Then please don't."

He proceeds to use the word. Of course.

I ask politely for him to desist. He begans enumerating the problems associated with living in close quarters with *thatword*. I politely ask him not to use that word.

The bartender chimes in with "Well, we're all human." A mild mitigating statement.

He continues to use that word, after I have asked him to stop, after I've said I don't like that word, after the bartender tried to change the subject. I think we've all been in this situation.

With a blank look on my face I turned to him and said, "My father is black."

The immediate response from both bartender and barfly was "What? You don't look it."

He then said he didn't mean to offend me. The bartender asked me "Are you sure? You don't look like it at all."

No shit. She actually said that. That's fucking gold, man.

He continued to mutter half hearted apologies. I assured him that I wouldn't be offended if he would just let it drop.

Then I sent DJCP to the jukebox with the instructions to "Play something with some soul."

We got excellent service from the bartender the rest of the night.

But don't take my word for it. Try this handy method out for yourself.

And play a lot of Marvin Gaye and Sam Cooke on the jukebox afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. Upon retelling this tale (and not nearly as well as is done here), your father's grin became a smile that stretched to the stars. Well done dear daughter. You do a moo and doo proud.


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