Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Aetna Insurance Are Scumbag Liars

This is outrageous and insupportable.

They suck. Across the board. They've sucked since I signed on with them over a year ago. Their suckage grows.

Got a letter in the mail from Aetna. It says:

  • I have several (read: two) controlled substance prescriptions.
  • This could lead to problems for me.
  • They suggest I seek some counseling.
  • Oh, and they've sent a copy of my prescription history to all my doctors.
Now, here's where it gets really fun.

  • It has the wrong doctors listed as writing scrips. Scrips that should technically be impossible to fill, as THEY DON'T EXIST BECAUSE THAT DR. NEVER WROTE THEM.
  • It has the wrong fill dates listed for picking up meds--in fact, the fill dates listed are IMPOSSIBLE because they don't follow the prescription instructions.
  • The information listed comes from an unknown source, and doesn't even match the online big brother tracking system that lists all the meds I've gotten scrips for while with this company.
  • Read that last one again--this info comes from a list that, until now, I didn't even know existed, but apparently runs parallel to the tracking system online. 
Essentially, my insurance company has just accused me of knowingly obsfuscating my prescription history and seeking out drugs in an addict like behavior. And they've provided falsified records to back up this claim, and sent it to all my doctors.

Aside from the blatant inaccuracy, and therefore falsehood of their claims, does this protocol strike anyone else as a complete violation of doctor/patient confidentiality, and/or HIPPA basics?

Hours on the phone today have lead nowhere. I can't even get through to the department that's "responsible" for sending out this missive. And I  now have to defend myself for getting prescriptions filled as designated by a doctor. I have to justify a treatment course that was okayed by my own physicians? Oh, wait, there's been a paperwork mix up?

Fuck you, Aetna. Even if the basis of these accusations wasn't fundamentally false, that would not justify the irresponsible, unprofessional, and violating nature of your company behavior on this matter. You have just inserted a third party editorial process into the patient/doctor relationship, with no preamble and no attempt to discern or confirm your conclusions before flinging accusations. Conclusions and information that are contradicted by your own website records, much less that might be explained through other circumstances. Like the fun fact that one of the pharmacies entered in the wrong info on several scrips.

Fuck you, Aetna. I pay a huge amount of money every month for your mafioso racket services, and you have the gall to accuse me of improper behavior and then announce it to my physicians? Your behavior in this instance highlights a fundamental truth about health insurance: you don't give a shit about the patients. And since you don't give a shit about patient welfare, then please feel free to take a giant step back from that arena and literally go fuck your own faces.

I am so incredibly angry right now that I can't even speak.

How dare you interject yourself into the patient/doctor relationship? You blood sucking fuck weasels can't even be bothered to fact check your information. Furthermore, what good could come of this approach if it was directed towards a person with some type of drug problem? You think ratting him out to his doctors (that you asssume don't know what's going on) is going to solve something? Congratulations, he's now in full freak out mode and will be getting drugs illegally. Way to help out there, you disgusting pricks.



  1. I normally say that we live in a society that is far too litigious... but you need to sue the pants off those fuckers. I think the only other person that I've suggested that to came out a bit wealthier.

  2. Oh Hetro,that is so massively effed up. Insurance is surely a racket. I hope you can get it all straightened out with minimal stress to you. Hate to hear they are screwing around with such an important issue.

  3. Thank Nixon. The "War on Drugs" is not only stupid but illegal under the Constitution. If we actually had health CARE with a system like the VA or Medicare for all this would not be an issue. I don't understand how we consider ourselve civilized compared to other countries who do.

    Some how we can approve of spending trillions on destroying foreign people and their countries then rebuilding them but say 'helz no!' to taking care of our neighbor up the street while people like Romney put in car elevators.

    /rant off

    Love ya, babby. Big e-hug is all I can offer @ the moment. Real one later.


  4. That's a whole lot of fucked up dude. I agree with that "S" fella, sue the fuck out of those cocksuckers.

    I mean dude, I have no clue what your job situation is, but if you're paying out of pocket for this shit, you're probably better off going without insurance and going to an actual drug dealer. You'll probably pay a lower rate anyway.

    In all seriousness dude, I hope this gets sorted out.

  5. Without going into a lot of detail, Aetna has basically done the same the to me. No one at Aetna will speak to me to get it corrected they have given me incorrect information which has created the problem in the first place. They have made me look like I'm doctor shopping because I am looking for someone who can help my chronic pain and anxiety. Most doctors are dismissive so I am looking for one who gets it and is helpful. They have made my anxiety and panic attacks so much worse by having to deal with them. I have to remember they are in the profit business and not the health care business! Aetna I hate you!

  6. This same exact thing just happened to me! All because of a PHARMACY ERROR! They entered the wrong doctor for my RX which makes it look like I'm doctor shopping. I go to the same DR every month, abide by the rules & now because of some idiot at the pharmacy made an error, I'm going to go thru hell trying to clear my name. Can Aetna really be sued for this? Boot I'd love to do that!

  7. This same exact thing just happened to me! All because of a PHARMACY ERROR! They entered the wrong doctor for my RX which makes it look like I'm doctor shopping. I go to the same DR every month, abide by the rules & now because of some idiot at the pharmacy made an error, I'm going to go thru hell trying to clear my name. Can Aetna really be sued for this? Boot I'd love to do that!


Say WUT?