--father getting initial check to see if he can get secondary check to determine if suspicious mass in lung is cancer FINALLY happening tomorrow
--cousin getting brain tumor removed, 22 yrs old. Jfc. Trip to SF.
--shiva continues with trip to SF as final mitzvah honoring uncle
--aunt seems to have no will to live, hanging on just barely, all by choice?
--meeting with agent tomorrow. How can i present my best, most special, dazzling, effervescent self when i look like the walking dead? my personality isn't exactly sparkling right now. but hey, that's why it's called acting. ha ha.
--bills bills bills
--finally caught up on S6 Walking Dead. Motherfucking Denny Duquette. Volatile. I love you, Rickle Pickle, you crazy eyed mofo.
--i'm getting too old for this shit.