Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

don't get any big ideas (blues)*

For somebody with
supposed and reasonable though really ougthen have been a bit bettered by now
fear of abandonment issues,

you sure do jump ship quick, buddy

How could you say you love me, claim to have ever felt a tender feeling towards me, if you would hurt me so

i know some of it you probably don't understand
but damnit you should ask
isn't this about being equals
about sharing equals
about caring equals
about how you and i and are gonna take care of each other?

couldn't i trust you to always be my friend? i've only spent a year pouring my heart out to you about how lost and vulnerable i am.

why would you say that to me if you didn't mean it? that wasn't fair

couldn't i trust you to always be my friend?

it's all good, you win
you tore ass so fast
i never got the chance to abandon you

i hope it makes you feel safe
cuz it makes me feel stiffed
like i had a line on something good for once
and Fate clocked me from behind
and i woke up having missed the ride

of a lifetime?

even then, couldn't i trust to you to always be my friend?

if we haven't had something here
something that can be explained by basic psychology
cold and concise
explained by basic biology
pheromones from white lab mice
something that could certainly be reduced to a crude, dispassionate, disinterested description

except i prefer the one they like to use in poems and songs so much
cuz i'm a sap

if i really even understand what the word love means

i looked into your eyes once and saw something like your soul

or else i'm just nuts
which is turning less unlikely by the crisis

my god if you changed your mind i understand why!

couldn't i trust you to to always be my friend?

*alternatley, I May Well Live To Regret This

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