Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

PSA: Your Water Isn't Safe

Madre de dios. Sorry about the downer nature of Blahg, lately. But this seems important and I don't do the facespace/mybooks, so pls pass along.

RG: Can you provide insights into why these toxic levels of PFASs are more likely to be found in certain states?

Hu: Drinking water from 13 states accounted for 75 percent of the detections, including, in order of frequency of detection: California, New Jersey, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Georgia, Minnesota, Arizona, Massachusetts, and Illinois.

I'll update if I find any info on detecting/securing a clean supply. The chemicals in question are extremely difficult to remove, even at water treatment plants.

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