Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Friday, March 23, 2012

I Don't Wanna Waste Your Time With Music You Don't Need

Thanks to my recent commenters, and please pardon my lack of direct responses.

Just HF here with Tink the Effin' Bear, kickin' it for a few moments before getting the day started. I have a few hours to put in at the salt mines then a relatively free weekend, highlighted by the arrival of the always rambunctious and high spirited JDog.

Why do we say highlighted and not highlit? I've wondered for many years. It seems so awkward.

I sit here on the worlds tiniest futon, which is juuuuuust big enough to accommodate me. I can't imagine a person of normal stature trying to sleep on this thing. I'm trying to, in the words of Will (of coco con leche fame) to "calm up" for the day. I couldn't ask for a better place to do it. Tink and Panda's domicile's, wherever they may be located, have become sort of havens for me in the last year or so. Maybe it's their predilection for open airy spaces. Maybe it's their use of the ecru as a decorative motif. Maybe it's our weird community brain which often finds me yelling, "Get out of my head, Panda!"

Whatever the case, I can chill here. And take time to bang out these little missives that I fling into the ethers of the interwebz. And try to reflect, without wallowing, on the series of events that make up the tragicomedy that is my life: a thing I used to believe I steered and am now ashamed to admit I mostly have left rudderless, wheel lashed, while I either go below or frig around in the rigging.

But to address the inquiries here and elsewhere: I have no plans to move back to the Gulf Coast at this time. The only way they're getting me back here on a permanent basis is in an urn. For all the smiles and warmth I've encountered, this world has moved on without me. And it is still filled with a great deal of poisonous thorns. As the saying goes, I'm rather half the man I used to be. My forbearance and equanimity are in tatters. My empathy is shot. Being here would not only be bad for me, but I think it would prove a quite unpleasant surprise and unwelcome change for others.

So I think I'll ride this SoCal thing out a while longer and see if I can't make it work. I'm not much on luck, but something's gotta give, right?

Hope the weather turns so J and I can get that pontoon boat and bake in the sun this weekend. That sounds amazing and lazy and wonderful.


  1. please have a jack & coke at the No Name for me. and give some hugs to some of the peeps.

    i couldn't move back, but i miss it there.

  2. You know, it's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live here. ;)


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