Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The World Has Turned And Left Me Here

In so many ways.

You finally get the trump card. You even have the balls to play it.

And nobody is in on the pot. Or the rules have changed. Or something.

Or maybe nobody was ever playing by your values to begin with.

I'd say I give up. But that would intimate I started fighting. I think I gave up fighting long ago. Depending upon your spiritual preference, that could mean anything.


  1. wuzzup Hawk? This sounds dispirited. I would be your beacon...:-).


  2. My Orchid Loving Friend,

    Thanks for that. Though we've never met, I put a great deal of worth and truth into your words. I believe they are heartfelt. And as such, your encouragement and support (and of course, always the silly fun stuff) means a lot to me.

    'I would be your beacon'. . . what a lovely sentiment. Thanks for being you. :)

  3. Very happy to be of assistance. We all need friends that we know always have our back no matter what, even when that support is cyber-words. I am always in awe of the strange twisty paths that bring spirits together in life. Really special that our paths crossed.

    And I will come west, and that beer will happen ;-).


  4. Be well- in so many ways you are cherished and adored.


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