Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I Have Not Been Entirely Forthcoming With You

But can you say you have been so with me?

Have  you ever howled into the darkness over what cannot be, yet is?

Have you faced the thing you love, and seen spite in its eyes, or worse, lack of understanding?

Have you cried into the night, only to be answered by the cats and dogs of the block?

Have you uttered your secret prayer of forbearance, begging to be released? Yet nothing has pierced your cold, final heart?

I shed you, world. You ask so much, give so much, but your denizens yield so little. Did I ask such a boon? Was a soft shoulder too much to request?

Your answer has arrived. I am resigned.

I am all that you ever made me.

Make of that what you will.


  1. I know the feeling.

    Too many endless nights surrounded by the four walls.

    LJ and Blogger have joined forces to be twats, so i had to be anonymous to post here.


  2. ((((Hawk)))) A hug is all I can offer.


  3. Thx guys. Just being a big whiny baby.


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