Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Friday, March 4, 2011

There's something in the air

And it ain't Spring.

Local and nationwide b.s. news has a lot of certain kinds of hate in it this past week or so. Some of it very pointed, bigoted, racialist type hate.

Now, I'm not calling any of these fools out by name. Because I don't want them getting anymore press. We don't encourage hate here at BlatherBlahg. We're not even gonna dignify ourselves with a response to these insults. (We are also going to keep trying to order litres of cola. If you are not with me at this point, don't worry. It get's relevant again below).

What we ARE about here at BlatherBlahg is beauty, love, truth, sneaky manipulation of the legal system to avoid stalking charges, unrequited love, wasting time, and eating bagels.

So while we will not be directly addressing the spiteful little wankers and their hate-filled crap out there, allow this to be the retort. I think it gets the point across.

That's right! Wladyslaw Szpilman and Sol Star in the house--REPRESENT!

They're here, they're talented, they're cute as pie, and they ain't going anywhere. Haters can feel free to form a line to left and kiss my tuchas.

Hope everybody has a great weekend. Shalom, y'all. 

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