Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ooof. Sucker punch, coming right up.

I try to maintain a spoiler free life. It makes it hard to keep up with fun stuff, like actor's side projects, special eps, etc. But it's usually worth iy, because you get to be pleasantly surprised by what could otherwise be completely predictable due to previews and trade news.

I'm at the point now where if I find a movie interesting, I won't even watch full trailers.

But every once in a while, I wish I had an inkling of what was coming. Tonight was one of those nights. To top it off, the change seems to be for really shitty reasons.

So fuck you, CBS, for fucking up a good cast and failing to really deliver on a key episode. Like we (I) needed something else to be depressed about. And fuck you for not letting me see every single cast member just bawl. You can do better with this show...the Reaper arc just about shattered my heart.

And case anybody cares, there's quite a dearth of admirable, capable, intelligent female leads or supports in films and tv today. Way to lower that head count, asshats.

P.p.s. . . This is seriously harshing my Joe Mantenga buzz, which has been in a nice cruise with the help of a recent re-viewing of "The Rat Pack."

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