Well, it was an auspicious weekend here at BlatherBlahg, consisting of more than two whole instances of leaving the house!
How do I afford this rock n' roll lifestyle?
Now, it's true that several of these out-of-cave experiences were necessitated by the obligation of feeding my friends' cats, but still. More stuff happened too!
Just about everyone who has the misfortune to communicate with me for more than 10 minutes is aware of my extreme lack of furniture and my seemingly endless and fruitless quest to find some.
A while back I decided I would go dorm style and do bean bags. This was before I realized that bean bags had become a designer niche market. A half decent (and half sized) bean bag starts at around $50 and goes up to $300 or higher for what I guess would be "bean couches" or "bean chaise loungers." Just Google "bean bag sale" and see what you get.
Lost in a sea of designer microsuede bags, I buckled and bought a $30-$40 bag from Amazon.com. The picture looked good, the person sitting on it looked comfortable, and it could arrive the next day. Yay!
Or not. As it turns out, the person posing out the bean bag had undergone some kind of shrink ray treatment, which reduced them in size by about 25% but maintained all their proportions. That is to say, the bean bag was tiny, yo. Like kid sized. And I may be small in many ways, but my ass is not even remotely child sized.
So, bean bag disappointment. I vowed never to buy another such item without seeing in in person.
This weekend I drove past a local bean baggery, and decided, "What the hell?" They had all kinds of pillowy options, and one I really liked that was about $150. I just couldn't. But I spied another, larger one that was less. It got kind of confusing, trying to sort out what bags were what and cost how much. I left with a $70 bag that seemed like a good choice.
I got home and put it in my living room and realized: I had purchased the bean bag Mt. Kilimanjaro. It's like a someone dropped a giant, slightly melted hershey kiss in my living room. Here's a photo. My forensic training comes in handy, and I cleverly remember to use a dollar bill to show you the scale of Mt. Beanimanjaro:
You might be thinking, "That's not so bad." But you are not Little Blue Bean Bag. LB3 now feels small and inadequate. And in truth, I had to use LB3 as an ottoman for my legs, because Mt. Beanimanjaro lifted me so far off the ground.
However, there is some happiness to this tale. Both Mt. Bean and LB3 got used this weekend, because I had an unexpected house guest. And no, I'm not making an oblique reference to bed bugs. But before I get to that, I must mention my bowling excursion on Saturday.
I finally talked Gunkle Blip and his Special Lady Friend into leaving their Hollywood lair making the epic five mile trip to my neck of the woods. It was his birthday, so I ponied up for a few sessions on the lanes and some really overpriced drinks and the barely functioning bar. I mean, seriously, how do you NOT have a bartender on staff at a bowling alley at 4:00 pm on a Saturday? Don't you realize those parents their with those screaming kids NEED a drink? Don't you realize that us folks next to the parents and their screaming kids NEED a drink?
Anyhoodle, after an embarrassing couple of games, I walked home and flew into a whirlwind preparing for the arrival of my last minute guest. This means I bought some booze and ordered delivery food.
The one and only Blackhawk the Destroyer swooped into town around 9:30 pm. What a cool cat. He's about an hour and half away from my current locale, doing work. So he worked all day Saturday and then drove out to see me. He is a very good friend. I had decided about two weeks to month ago that he needed to grow a goatee. So I was ready to start the Goatee campaign as soon as I saw him. But guess what? He has already got one! WAT? Just like the time I dreamed about him shaving off his moustache. Some people are psychic about lotto numbers, plane crashes, personal danger. I am psychic about my friends facial grooming habits. Go fig.
How did the night go? Well, I think we were pretty well behaved, all things considered. It was pretty low key. We had some big ideas about what we would make of our Sunday, but those *might* have been a little compromised by Saturday night. If I had to sum up the evening, I would say:
I would also strongly recommend that port. It was excellent. All 89473973 ounces of it.
Sunday I awoke at my customary usual disgustingly early hour. I had mercy on my houseguest, and just sort of creeped around for a few hours to let him catch up on his zzzz's. Of course, at Rancho de Hawkeye you only get the finest entertainment and accommodations. Look at the luxury BtD was awash in:
Only the finest Taiwanese imported air mattresses for our guests.
My knee was a little twingey, but we decided to wander Abbot Kinney area. There I got to show BtD what shopping for furniture was like in this magical land. If the paint peeling child sized antique rocking chair for $425 didn't do it for him, by the $3,800 leather club chair (Not Vintage, by the way) he got the gist of it.
We wandered back to the HawkCave, and were generally useless. My knee hurt more and more, and I can't figure out what I did to it. Bowling? We tried to watch
Robin Hood. We came in halfway through the movie, so maybe we missed something vital. But overall, we spent most of the time going, "Why is that guy.....who is he. . . why would anyone do that. . . wait, is that the same guy who. . . ?"
It was very confusing. We really couldn't make out the plot. Apparently Ridley Scott has picked up a new camera trick. In addition to his constant Shaky Epileptic Action Scenes With Missing Frames, Scott now has a bizarre Zoom In and Pan Right On the Emotional Musical Cue move. In case the actor's facial expressions and the change in music weren't enough to indicate An Important Moment, Scott is really driving it home by whipping that lens around like it's a home movie with Cousin Ricky who just learned how to use the zoom bar and has been watching the IFC channel too much.
Some popcorn and my Announcement of Intention to Start My Life Of Whoredom later, (hey, that's what the Big City is all about--it worked for Julia Roberts in
Pretty Woman), Blackhawk was back on the road and I was passing out on the couch.
So endeth another epic and glamorous weekend. BtD really is a good friend, and it was wonderful to see him.
As of this morning my knee is officially really screwed up. I guess trying to walk it off yesterday wasn't the best idea. It only hurts when I walk or put weight on it, so I guess it's time for me to get that Hoveround I've been wanting. Seriously though, it really does hurt, and there's no bruising or swelling or anything. How? Why?