Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Interesting word, there. Can mean so many things.

Sometimes I wake in the night, for reasons I can't discern. Is it a dream? A noise outside? Some internal anxiety clock?

I don't know, and never will. But I think it's a noted phenomena for more than just me. It has it's own peculiar regularity. It seems to happen between the hours of 3 and 4 am, everytime.

An hour ago I was asleep, then suddenly I was not.

In the most general way, with all the possibilities, permutations, and variables of each situation, I think a safe assumption could be made that it stems from some aspect of not caring for yourself properly.

It's a piss poor time to wake up, I'll tell you. You're almost guaranteed not to be truly sleepy until it's time to really get up. But you usually feel like refried shit, so getting up and being productive doesn't seem very appealing.

And anything you take would only make you woozy enough in time to get up for work.

Feels like it's going to be a long day, tater. I had plans for today, for this evening. Good, healthy plans. Let's see if I'll make it.

Last night I had three interesting sets of conversation. One was a random interlude with a couple at a bar--she's an award winning architect and he's in the music business. They gave me their card, and he said he liked me. I reminded him of Tina Fey.

I had a fascinating discussion about linguistics while undergoing a semi-tortuous grooming ritual. My torturer/groomer had a mother who was a linguist and an anthropologist. Best painful experience I've had in a long while.

I was kindly chatted up by a lovely young women named Anna. She was their with her group of friends who were from  England, but currently worked in Scotland. Their reason in the States? Bob, the producer, had his animated film "The Illusionist" up for nomination in the Golden Globes this past weekend.

At the risk of sounding snotty, I'm going to posit that I really don't think I would have managed to have any of those conversations in my last state of residence. And certainly not in one night, in random succession, in one 1/4 block area.

Welcome to La La Land.

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