Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Jukebox In My Mind

It's a funny thing, this soundtrack in my head. It's smarter than me. Here's the lyric that stuck in my head today:

You spend your life waiting/wandering round in a trance
You hang out forever/but still miss the dance

Now, the funny thing about this is that verse isn't the reason that song was in my head. It's something in the refrain. My brain is a terrible, horrific place to be sometimes. But it's endless in its abilities to self amuse. It's the kind of the inside-inside-inside joke. So much so that I don't often get it, unless I focus very precisely.

I had a bout of sinusitis this morning. Got all the way to work before remembering that I had meds at home for it.  God, that is some excruciating shit. I always imagine small gnomes with plastic cocktail swords, stabbing at my delicate nasal passageways.

The meds work great. However, they also hop you up. Not the best for anyone prone to insomnia. Meds to get up. Meds to get down. I am both grateful for and hate modern chemistry. I cannot imagine what people did to get through the day before medication for migraines or sinus problems. I'd throw in menstrual cramps and endometriosis, except that I know what you do to get through the day without relief for that stuff. At the worst part, you literally curl into a ball and pray for the cessation of consciousness.

Well, I exaggerate a bit. You usually are clear headed enough to actually pray for anything at that point.

But why waste time on such maudlin musings? I have a more fun post to make. Probably equally ill advised as this one, but whateffinever.

Side note: does anyone have any particular feelings about David Mamet? I find that I like him, but I don't know why. Further investigation is called for.


  1. When the blue hell was James Spader in Big Trouble in Little China or Overboard?!?!?!?! I do not recall him ever chewing up scenery with Kurt Russell...

    Slightly related, I had conversation with a co-worker about why Tarantino's Death Proof sucked: besides all the talking, Kurt Russell cried in the movie. Snake Fucking Pliskin doesn't cry. MacReady doesn't cry.

    Just like Roddy Piper didn't cry in They Live and Greedo shot first, and no one makes Baby sit in the corner, Kurt Russell should never fucking cry in a movie.

  2. I have a feeling that this comment was supposed to go under another post.

    For the record, I haven't seen Death Proof. I actually heard it was rocking. And if Snake cried, I'm sure they were manly tears made of acid and bull sweat, that disintegrated anything they came into contact with. Kind of like Alien blood.

    And shame on you, bad Kurt Russell fan, for thou has forgotten the forgettable Stargate. That is cinematic romp wherein Mr. Spader fooled our dear Kurt by sneezing, having shaggy hair, and that ultimate disguise. . . . GLASSES.

    That chick/dude from the The Crying Game was in that too. Aren't there like 12 tv spin offs of that movie? It's so weird what grabs an audience.

    OOOOOOoooo.....I just thought of another movie where Kurt Russell cried. Remember Solider, where he's like this futuristic military dude who gets outdated and dropped off on some garbage planet? He shed a tear in that, I do believe. Then he killed everyone. *Awesome*

  3. Glad I scrolled down the thread. Mamet is the reason I met Spader. Were you in New York last year? RACE was my first exposure to Mamet and I thoroughly enjoyed the play. Of course when you have the king of elocution, Spader, delivering Mamet-speak what's not to enjoy?


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