Well, Saturday morning marked the end of Ket Relocation Project in District Feline.
Due to some personal issues, Sweetie Man was not able to return to DF in the evening, but the owner was home by then.
The prior evening revealed that the kets have decided to work on the owner's plumbing problems.
Kets say: You gotta watch out for the old tarpaper and cast iron pipes in these old houses. Mind the 4 foot drop. |
Saturday marked our first "Provisions on Back Deck Only" day. So I went extra early and set up a lovely little ket environment.
Ket füd. Bonus wet füd not shown. |
Ket treats and ket shelter (bed tucked under pool). |
Then it was time to seek out Ket contact in the front yard.
Firstly, we set a bowl of delicious, nutritious wet ket füd out front. TWEEST: füd is 3 feet from me.
Secondly, we lob some dry treats at kets, creating trail to wet füd.
Thirdly, we bring ket toy to tempt otherwise sated kets.
Kets sighted, but no one is approaching. |
Why, hello there. What's this? |
Pretending to be disinterested. |
Casually checking it out. |
Preparing skillful pounce. |
Raaah! Ket Atteck! |
Dragging off kill. |
I don't know if that video will come through. That's essentially my version of forcing you to look at endless pictures of my kids on my phone. In other words: it is essentially pointless and probably very boring.
After a day of big kills on the savannah, some kets seemed to be a little more confident about Sweeties.
That's right, follow the Sweetie Trail. |
Closer, closer. . . . |
BAM! Less than 3 feet away! |
Aww yeah. Sweetie Man Strikes Again! |
Despite all my attempts, these kets were clearly not ready for petting or snuggles of any kind. Which is disappointing. Let's take a look at our goals for this Ket Project:
1. Get kittehs used to eating around people, shamelessly leverage Pavlovian techniques.
2. Convince kitteh to come within a 4 ft radius of a person.
3. Relocate eating area from under the house to the back porch. The long way. Erg.
Well, maybe 2.5 out of 3 goals accomplished. It's a start, at least.
Sweetie Man, out.
Credit for all Wikus manips used in CatWatch! 2014 to MizHowlinMad over at deviantart. http://mizhowlinmad.deviantart.com/
Huh? Where did my comment go? One more time then, Sweetie Man, yo are the best. Thank you for your hard work -sneaky cat whisperer strategies. And big thank you for the always important Ket chronicles.