Day Five dawns on our Ket Relocation and Domestication Project. You could call it a "cat's in the bag" effort. If by "in the bag" you mean "desperately trying to trap small furry animals on a back porch."
Sweetie Man would like to take this moment for a personal note: this iPhone camera sucks. I am so disappoint. SM misses the simple, lost flip phone who's AI wasn't smarter than SM.
Armed with supplies, it was time to implement the next phase: Come to District Porch, It's Totally Not Like A Concentration Camp!
Utilizing new strategeries and careful ket füd placement, the game is afoot!
The trap is set! |
Erik the Red makes the first move. He's about 4 feet from me right now. |
But ho! What ket through yonder window breaks? Tis Gizmo! |
Look at that wonky little head. Adorable. |
Giz and Bigfoot. I get the feeling Biggie there isn't quite onboard the Sweetie Train yet. |
First sighting of Daddeh Ket. He looks very thin and is quite skittish. He still got some Sweeites, though. SM made sure of it. |
Look who is interested in the ket toy. |
How did I balance the subtle motions needed for the cat toy with stillness and the ability to take this picture? Incredible Toe-Fu. Practice, grasshopper. And always wear sandals. |
Apologies for unintentionally artsy photos. Really need to make myself learn how to work this stupid phone. Maybe motivation will strike and these pics will be shopped into a better quality. Don't wait on that.
Handing out Sweeties is serious business, but it's important to be comfortable. That may explain why it's possible that Sweetie Man was at District Feline today in jim jams and without the appropriate support garments. Which is fine. Until the owner's landlord AND best friend show up. That's when you realize you should have worn regulation gear into the field.
Whoops. |
Tomorrow marks the final day of the Ket Project, as the owner will be returning. It does not look as though we will reach our goal of Ket Encounters of the Third Kind, but some progress has been made. Maybe we will have a Momma Ket feeding sighting tomorrow. Here's to hoping!
Credit for all Wikus manips used in CatWatch! 2014 to MizHowlinMad over at deviantart.
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