Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Personality Analysis Via Netflix Suggestions

Suggestions from Netflix can be enlightening. This is actually one of the tamest lists I've ever gotten:

  • Witty romantic period pieces
  • Dark suspenseful fight the system movies
  • Critically acclaimed violent biographical movies
  • Quirky heist action and adventure
  • Goofy showbiz satires
  • Cerebral detective shows
  • Classic emotional movies based on classic literature
  • Sentimental medical tearjerkers
  • British dramas featuring a strong female lead
  • Gritty crime movies from the 1980s
  • Exciting Sci Fi and Fantasy
  • Understated 20th Century period pieces
  • Thrillers based on a book
 In other news, my bro will be in town for a few days. Which is righteous. Much cleaning and buying of supplies to do. I'm still trying to sort out my finances, which got right hosed while I was finally working, ironically enough. Oh, the horror of government forms. Being honest has never really done me much good, yet I persist. When will I learn?

Also in the irony category, I got a part time job offer while in a doctor's office today. There's some sick justice to that. I doubt I'll get it, as it was a last minute referral, but it was amusing, nonetheless. And any doctor that you find yourself doing a bad Russian accent with and talking about bestiality ("When chicken run, time for new chickens.") is probably worth the visit.

But we all know I don't have to get a job, because the world is ending anydamnways:

And finally, a recommendation. If you love the horror genre, go see Cabin in the Woods. Don't read any reviews, don't watch any trailers. Just go in as a blank slate and enjoy a movie made by people who love horror movies. It's fun.

1 comment:

  1. The Dick Clark Mayans pic is awesome.



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