Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Continuing Surprising Adventures. . .

Well, I'm having an absolutely lovely time visiting my friends Tink and Pandaman. I've been generally useless and indolent, and some stuff had happened which went a little something like this, here it go:

--Nurse!Andy and his vast medical expertise.
--Purple nails, oatmeal, and wandering the City with Tink
--Tink being ultimate Cruise Director and making sure I get my stuff done, including eating.
--"Well, you know I've been trawling for some Irish strange. I just settled for some second hand Mick."
--"I'm Crazy Eddie Pilaf! Come on down to Crazy Eddie's and buy some baby food!"
--Unseasonably sublime weather, tons of sunshine
--Pursuit of melanoma in the aforementioned sunshine
--Sir Digby Chicken Caeser, for ever and always. Both to watch and live out:

--"Try not to make out with any Micks on the way to the parking lot."
--Laughing and laughing and laughing
--Being so silly that we don't even make it through our Hex episode, because we have to stop to play and act out Highlander and Sir Digby
--impromptu discussions about philosophy, nature of reality, physics, and other light reading material
--freakish telepathy. Hive mind! One of us! One of us!
--Visiting with Roland again, after all these years
--"Well, sometimes you have to be bad to know when you're being good."
--Excellent music, with plenty of "Florence + The Machine" and some song by "Mumford & Sons" that gave me chills

--The Great Resume Collaboration of 2011--just add alcohol
--"B.A.R.T's running." Possibly the most eloquent, scathing, perfect insult of the year.

Okay...there's more. But somebody needs to bathe or something.


  1. On a lonely planet spinning its way toward damnation amid the fear and despair of a broken human race, who is left to fight for all that is good and pure and gets you smashed for under a fiver? Yes, it’s the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar!


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