Today was my last official day at work. As of close of business, July 15th, I am unemployed.
Today also marks the receipt of my second ever official marriage proposal. Strangely, in both cases, the proposal was made in direct response to upcoming lack of insurance and health care. The first time was a dear friend and sometimes roomie, today was my work buddy and bringer of hilarity, So Wrong.
So Wrong and I concluded, simultaneously, that our marriage would be the bomb because we would have the best parties. The fact that we would both be competing for men wouldn't really make too big a fuss, methinks.
I got to talk to two old and dear friends tonight, which is always a gift. I'm watching a terrible made for tv movie with Dougray Scott in it. Why, Dougray, why? Why do you torment me so? (PEE ESS---you don't look even *thismuch* Jewish. Fo realz).
Life is simultaneously picking up and going into slo-mo. I'll have one of those dear and longstanding friends in town this weekend, bless her heart. I think I'm going to have to buy an A/C unit in consideration of her visit.
Tomorrow I chauffer a friend to a medical appointment. Last minute rearranging and the understanding HR staff at my (soon to be former) place of employ made it possible. The ironies involved make it highly unplausible, in anyone's life but mine. However, this is the Hawkeye Extra Funtime Extravaganza Overload Fluffy Fun Hour.
As a dude once said to me, karma is living inside the box you built.
I don't particularly care for this current box. Perhaps it's time for a new one. Or even better, to eschew them all.
Box-free, that's how to be.
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