Dear Nic P,
You clever thing. You told me how it was going to end. I knew how it was going to end. Somehow you wrung surprise out of a foregone conclusion. Few things are more delicious in story listening than realizing your expectancy of the narrative has been both right and wrong at the same time.
Thanks for the wild ride. Thanks for not sucker punching us. Thanks for only breaking our hearts as much as was necessary. And thanks for the unexpected hope.
Cast & Crew,
You kick ass. Directing, set design, wardrobe, lighting, sound, that little acting part--what a first class production.
This series has been a phenomenal experience. I now have to blather to assuage my feels.
The thematic balance has been incredible. They spend the shows telling you exactly how to watch the shows and what's coming next. Time is a flat circle. We've been here before and we will be here again.
Rust Cohle didn't just stare into the abyss, he saw what the Monsters see when they stare.
Woody Harrelson being tearfully "all right" was amazing. I thought we had lost him to Carcosa for a minute there.
What was it about Rust's experience in the void that comforted him? Was it the memory of love, that he carried that feeling with him? Was he ready to die, but the love of his daughter made him want to live? Was it knowing that the last thing he felt was love, and this made all the bad shit a lot more understandable? Was it knowing that his daughter must have felt the same love when she died?
Me: Ah! They're flipping each other the bird again. That's true love, right there.
My Brother: Uh, I think you might have a weird definition of true love.
Loved all the Jesus-ish touches with Rust from the showdown to the hospital. It wasn't too pointed, just lovely suggestions, visual wisps.
McMatt managed to get a shirt partially off. I have no objections to this.
I was reminded tonight that my visual perceptions and conclusions about life and my experiences ARE NOT everybody else's. And that mine might seem really weird to some people. I just forget that, sometimes.
It's 1 am. I need to stop thinking about all this. I need to go to bed.
Today was a good day.