Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Blather. Wince. Repeat.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

In The Midst of Overwhelming Self Indulgent WhinyPant-ness

I get a call from my brother. There are certain people I always pick up the phone for, no matter the time, place, my mental state, etc.

I'm not saying it's always the best decision to take these calls, I'm just saying I take them.

I answer the phone and receive this opening gambit:

"Okay, so my life still sucks worse than yours. Listen to this:"

What followed was a typical scenario of the type that befalls my family. No greater or smaller evil than most people experience (I think). The conversation diverged when I asked him about a zombie show and he had this to say about the possibility of a zombie apocalypse: "We have tanks. I don't care how undead you are when I've pulverized you."

This totally wins for phone call of the week.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Amidst The Crumbling Of Your Life

What do you still find time to do?


This is my first ever screencap that I made all by myself. Isn't the Internet terrifying?

I don't know if the consistency is comforting or disturbing. But will it always be as sweet? 

Equally perplexing in a chicken/egg way: do I love Basil Rathbone because he is Holmes, or did I fall in love with Holmes because he was Basil Rathbone?

In any event, the result is the same.

That Sucked

I spent the last 1.5 days cleaning my house so a potential renter could come by and view it. She just left.

While I fully realize that I am very lucky to have friends that will let me move in with them, the enormity of having to move out of this apartment is overwhelming me. Truly--I haven't packed anything. I haven't called to cancel services. I haven't put anything up for sale. I haven't secured storage facilities.

I'm just. . . what am I? I'm drowning. I don't even have the energy to properly whine about just how awful I feel.

Do you ever get the feeling that nothing is ever going to go your way again? And that maybe the universe is playing you for the terminal fool?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Asleep at 4 am, Awake at 7 am

It's a pretty shitty deal. But there are some rewards. Like the desperate email from your mother who has turned the excel template you gave her into some sort of Frankenstein's monster document with a pastiche of "strategies."

The title of the email was: HELP!

Normally in these situations I try to foresincally recreate what the perp has done, to see if I trace their deranged thought and formatting patterns and return the abused file to some semblance of workability.

Lack of sleep and general bleh made me look a this file for about two minutes and go, "Fuck it. We're starting from scratch."

And I'm so freaking lazy I did this all from my bed using only my, gasp!, touchpad. No double screens or finesse of mouse control for me, baby! We run on Dr. Pepper and badassery (and we don't wanna get out from under the covers because it's chilly).

And The Night Lingered Long

Peppered with late texts, late emails, and a late phone call.

The phone call was with a kind friend who let me dally in the past and ramble in vague. Which was very much appreciated, as I wanted to be talking about anything but the present.

Turn on the t.v. and catch the last of The Thin Red Line. Jesus, what is up with Terrance Malick? And was everybody in this frigging film? Just from the last 30 minutes I caught:
  • Nick Nolte
  • Sean Penn
  • Jim Caviezal
  • That guy from Romeo+Juliet and Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang
  • Ben Chaplin
  • John C. Reilly
  • Adrian Brody
  • Thomas Jane
  • Elias Koteas
  • George Clooney
Now Cape Fear is on, with DeNiro wandering about calling out "Counselor? Oh, Counselor!"

Top Gun comes out in IMAX 3D this weekend. It's also streaming on Netflix. I could riff off of this endlessly, so just let me say:

I am sad. And tired. And rather out of hope. But there's still bills to pay, things to clean, things to pack, more things to clean, hopes to dash, laments to make.

So after I fell in love with the sound of Christoph Waltz's voice, I discovered this:

Disturbingly, this just makes me love him more. Am I instinctively attracted to insane silly people? Or is everybody actually silly and insane and only a few show it?